The experience of a lifetime

It has already been two months since we returned from Guatemala. Before we left, none of us really knew what to expect or even much about everything we would be doing, but we all decided to trust that it would be fun no matter what if we all went together. But we were wrong, it was more than fun. It was the experience of a lifetime that I wouldn’t trade for the world. While we were there we had the pleasure to build smokeless stoves and latrines for a few of the families in a community. However, I feel as if everyone there had given me far more than I could have even imagined giving them, and if I was ever asked to return it would be the fastest yes I have ever given in my whole life. What had made the biggest impact on me was the people and families I met. Seeing their faith and positive attitude about everything they have and don’t have has been something I had been able to bring back home with me. I had always thought I was going to eventually travel the world, but this trip has...