The people we met
When I first heard about this Guatemala trip, I had no idea what to expect. I heard from
people on similar experiences talking about how amazing and life changing their trip was. I
thought to myself that seems cool, but how life changing can a trip really be? Now after
actually experiencing going to Guatemala my outlook on life is different. Guatemala was
such a life changing trip in many different ways. What stood out to me the most on the trip
was the people we met. The people in Guatemala are so incredible, especially the families
that we worked with. It is so crazy how happy these families were even though they had
hardly anything. They are so incredibly generous people and were more than willing to help
us as we were working. We got the privilege of meeting many new people and were able to
build relationships with them. I especially liked being able to see the kids everyday, and
being able to spend time with them as they would help us work. Now that I am back in
Minnesota as I think I have a different outlook on life. I look around and realize how grateful
I should be to have what I have. Even the little things that you wouldn’t even think about,
such as clean water is a privilege. I will never forget the amazing experience I had in
Guatemala, and I hope that someday I will go there again.
- Lauren
- Lauren